Web Intelligence Consortium's Official Blog

The 2011 International Conferences on Active Media Technology (AMT 2011) and Brain Informatics(BI 2011)

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The 2011 International Conferences on Active Media Technology (AMT 2011) and Brain Informatics(BI 2011) will be held during September 7-9, 2011 at Lanzhou, China.

The WIC has decided to organize AMT2011 and BI 2011 in memoriam of Herbert A. Simon. The two conferences will have a joint opening, keynote, reception, and banquet. Attendees only need to register for one conference and can attend workshops, sessions, exhibits and demonstrations across the two conferences.

(For more informatrion, please visit http://wi-consortium.org/conferences/amtbi11/)

Written by wiconsortium

November 22, 2010 at 5:53 am

Posted in WIC Anouncement

The 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web intelligence [WI’s 10th birthday]

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Welcome to the 10th edition of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web intelligence.

This edition being the tenth birthday of WI, the WIC has decided to organize it in memoriam of Herbert A. Simon and to give a special award to WI most significant papers of the ten editions.

Web Intelligence (WI) explores the fundamental roles, interactions as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence engineering and Advanced Information Technology on the next generation of Web systems. Here AI-engineering is a general term that refers to a new area, slightly beyond traditional AI: brain informatics, human level AI, intelligent agents, social network intelligence and classical areas such as knowledge engineering, representation, planning, discovery and data mining are examples. Advanced Information Technology includes wireless networks, ubiquitous devices, social networks, and data/knowledge grids, as well as cloud computing, service oriented architecture.


  • The conference will take place at the Campus Universitaire de la Doua, Lyon, France
  • Each day, either in the morning (before parallel meeting sessions begin) or just after the lunch hour, there will be a keynote presentation (plenary session) to all the attendance. Some keynote presentations will be held jointly with the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2011). A rough plan is to have 2-3 joint keynote speakers, plus 2-3 WI related invited speakers and 2-3 IAT related invited speakers, respectively.
  • WI 2011 will include a summer school providing in-depth background on subjects that are of broad interest to Web intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology communities.
  • WI 2011 also welcomes Workshop proposals and an industry day. As an important part of the conference, the workshop and the industry day programs will focus on new research challenges, initiatives and applications. All papers accepted for workshops and industry day will be included in the Workshop and industry day Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and will be available on site. Detailed information will be available at the conference homepage.

Written by wiconsortium

October 23, 2010 at 4:36 am

Posted in WIC Anouncement

Hello Web Intelligence!

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Web Intelligence (WI) has been recognized as a new direction for scientific research and development to explore the fundamental roles as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (e.g., knowledge representation, planning, knowledge discovery and data mining, intelligent agents, and social network intelligence) and advanced Information Technology (IT) (e.g., wireless networks, ubiquitous devices, social networks, wisdom Web, and data/knowledge grids) on the next generation of Web-empowered products, systems, services, and activities. It is one of the most important as well as promising IT research fields in the era of Web and agent intelligence.

Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC) (http://wi-consortium.org/) is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing world-wide scientific research and industrial development in the field of Web Intelligence (WI). It promotes collaborations among world-wide WI research centers and organizational members, technology showcases at WI related conferences and workshops, WIC official book and journal publications, WIC newsletters, and WIC official releases of new industrial solutions and standards.

The aim of the Web Intelligence Consortium’s Official Blog is to bring WI researchers from different organizations and contries together on the Web platform, discussing emerging trends and WI related projects, sharing research results, etc. It is maintained by researchers from different WIC centers world wide.

Written by wiconsortium

October 21, 2010 at 10:53 am

Posted in WIC Anouncement